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Search Results for: Aspheric Laser Lenses (367)

Aspheric Lenses Review

What is an aspheric lens? In what applications are aspheric lenses used?

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What are aspheric condenser lenses?

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What are the different types of aspheric lenses?

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Why plastic aspheric lenses?

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All About Aspheric Lenses

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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How are aspheric lenses made?

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What are the benefits of aspheric lenses compared to standard singlet lenses?

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CNC Polished Aspheric Lenses

CNC polished aspheric lenses offer high numerical apertures while creating diffraction-limited spot sizes and are ideal for high-precision applications.

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Plastic Molded Aspheric Lenses

Lightweight, cost-effective aspheric lenses with a lower scratch resistance and thermal stability than molded glass aspheres.

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Precision Glass Molded Aspheric Lenses

Meta description: Ideal for volume applications, including laser diode collimation, bar code scanners, and optical data storage. Can be molded into diameters as small as 1mm.

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What are the challenges associated with increasing the diameter of optics like aspheric lenses?

The CNC polishing equipment used to fabricate the optics must have a large enough range of motion to properly polish the full asphere, and the weight of the...

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Is CGH metrology used for measuring any other products besides aspheric lenses?

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Aspheric Lens Takeover

Time to Replace Spherical Elements with Aspheric Lenses

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Tolerancing Considerations for Aspheric Lenses

Join us for a discussion about asphere tolerancing and manufacturability, providing invaluable context for optical designers.

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Single-Material Aspheric Achromats

Single-Material Aspheric Achromats correct chromatic aberrations with a unique geometry, leading to numerous benefits over conventional achromatic lenses.

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Do you have to use cross cylindrical lenses for laser diode collimation?

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How an Aspheric Lens is Made

Edmund Optics® manufactures thousands of precision aspheric lenses per month in our asphere manufacturing cell that operates 24 hours a day.

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Should the aspheric surface of an asphere always face the object / light source?

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Do larger diameter aspheric lenses experience more significant angle of incidence (AOI) and deposition effects during coating, shifting their spectral performance?

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Future of Spherical Lenses

Traditional spherical lenses are evolving due to the increasing demands of applications. Learn about the future of spherical lenses at Edmund Optics.

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Aspheric Lens Irregularity and Strehl Ratio

The Strehl ratio of an optical system is a comparison of its real performance with its diffraction-limited performance.

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Cinema Lenses, The Age of Streaming, and Aspheres

Cinema lenses designed to create content tailored for online streaming utilize aspheres to shoot with a shallow depth of field while maintaining quality.

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ISO Drawings for Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric lens drawings following the ISO 10110 standard are critical tools for communicating manufacturing and testing requirements for the lenses.

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Are all aspheric lenses from Edmund Optics® polished using magnetorheological finishing (MRF)?

No, advances in subaperture polishing have allowed for the fabrication of aspheres with surface figure error down to λ/20 (0.25µm). However, MRF is still...

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Understanding Ball Lenses

Have a question about ball lenses? Find more information about these optical components including essential equations and application examples at Edmund Optics.

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Aspheric Lens

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Trending Liquid Lenses in Imaging

Quickly Autofocus and Overcome Depth of Field Limitations

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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Laser Spot Size

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